
Lawn Care in Kathleen

Lawn Care in Kathleen, GA

Why do you need lawn care in Kathleen?

Lawn care in Kathleen is really important if you want a weed free and thick, green lawn.  Liquid Lawn specialized in weed control and fertilization treatments that will make your lawn beautiful!  Our lawn care treatments will protect your lawn from weeds and provide the nutrients your lawn needs to thrive.

Why do I need weed control for my lawn care in Kathleen?

Our weed control is really important for lawn care in Kathleen.  The weed control treatments will kills weeds that are present in your lawn and prevent them in the future with our pre-emergent treatments are in all of our treatments.  These lawn care applications will create a protective barrier that will keep weeds from germinating in your lawn.  These treatments last about seven weeks before they start to break down, so we schedule your lawn care applications about seven weeks apart so you will have weed prevention all year round.  Unfortunately, one treatment will not keep weeds out of your lawn indefinitely.  Each season brings a new crop of weed seeds blown in from your neighbor, passing traffic, and even lawn mowers.  To keep your lawn completely weed free, you need treatments seven times a year.  Our Liquid Lawn guarantee promises to keep your lawn weed free or we will come back and treat anytime.

Why do I need fertilizer for my lawn care in Kathleen?

Fertilizer is also an important part of your lawn care in Kathleen.  Fertilizer provides the necessary nutrients for your lawn to thrive!  It really helps your lawn become green and lush after winter dormancy.  Fertilizer also will help your lawn repair itself from any winter damage, insect or disease damage, or foot traffic.  Watering your lawn and fertilizer are two keys to having a beautiful lawn.  Our fertilizer treatments also include weed control and other nutrients that we mix in our proprietary formula to ensure your lawn looks great.  Most other companies only spread granular fertilizer treatments that do not include weed control or other nutritional additives that will make your lawn beautiful and weed free.  With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, your lawn is guaranteed to be weed free and beautiful!

If you are interested in lawn maintenance, please contact our sister company.